
utensili speciali per torni monomandrino
utensili speciali per torni monomandrino
utensili speciali per torni monomandrino
utensili speciali per torni monomandrino

Tools for single-spindle lathes

Single-spindle lathes are manufactured parts in a large series. Therefore, it is most important that the cycle time of each piece should be as short as possible.

On these lathes the whole range of our custom tools are used:

– To make the external shape we produce square bits in brazed carbide, HSS or with interchangeable mechanical fixtures, prismatic plates or dovetails, shavings and rollers, circular tools, broaches, polygonal discs mechanically fastened or brazed and threaded milling cutters standard and custom.

– For internal processing, we can offer tools for internal (recesses) cutting in HSS, brazed or solid carbide, boring bars, custom step drills, and spear gun drills, custom shaped countersinks, reamers and custom broaches.

Every custom tool is designed and built according to its specific function. We also provide our tools with suitable and custom coatings.


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